Rating Curve Data Fields (SWMM)
A rating curve in a SWMM network is used to define the relationship between either the head difference across the outlet or the freeboard depth above its opening, and its flow rate.
Information relating to a rating curve can be viewed and edited on the Rating Curve Grid Window of the Links Grids or on the Rating Curve Property Sheet.
Most data can be edited on the grid, but some fields cannot be displayed in the grid format.
To view and edit all rating curve data, use the Property Sheet.
The table below describes all the data which can be used to define a rating curve. For details of results fields for links, see the Link Results Data Fields (SWMM) topic.

Fields that are common to the majority of objects can be found in the Common Fields topic.
Database Table Name: sw_curve_rating
Field Name |
Help Text |
Database Field |
Size |
Precision |
Default |
Error Lower Limit |
Error Upper Limit |
Warning Lower Limit |
Warning Upper Limit |
Rating curve ID |
The unique name for the rating curve, up to 254 letters, numbers and underscore characters. Upper and lower case letters are treated as being the same. This name cannot be used by any other curve in the same SWMM network. |
id | Text | 254 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rating array |
This field contains a series of records defining the data for this curve. These are entered on the Curve Editor which is displayed by clicking on the Database Table Name: sw_curve_rating_data
data | Structure |